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ESG Due Diligence

Managing the Risk
  • BBJ ESG Due Diligence 1
  • BBJ ESG Due Diligence 2
  • BBJ ESG Due Diligence 3

Mitigating ESG Risks, Enhancing Reputations

Emerging ESG risks in supply chains can negatively impact business reputations and investor assets. It is essential for investors and investee companies to engage with each other to develop and implement effective frameworks that identify and assess these risks throughout the supply chain tiers. Continuous improvement is vital to manage exposure in an ever-evolving world.

As an extension of our other M&A Due Diligence services, BBJ Group’s ESG Due Diligence approach examines a target company’s ESG performance, policies, and practices. This enables clients to gain critical insights into ESG risks, compliance gaps, and opportunities to improve sustainability practices. These insights help clients bolster their risk management strategies, enhance their reputation, and align with global sustainability objectives.

By entering a transaction with a clear understanding of the target’s ESG-related risks and opportunities, companies can fortify their risk management strategies, enhance their reputation, and maintain progress toward achieving their own global sustainability goals.