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Identifying and Managing Threatened and Endangered Species Habitat

Virtually no woodland in the Midwest has been untouched by the hand of man. Logging of hardwoods in the late 19th and 20th century removed most of the virgin stands of timber. Negative impacts of unmanaged logging, grazing of cattle, forest fragmentation, exclusion of fire from the landscape, and introduction of exotic trees and shrubs has resulted in the need to actively manage forests.

The primary goal in forest management is to strike a balance between the native ecosystem, economic needs of a landowner, wildlife, and invasive species. In most cases active management is necessary. Just like weeding a garden, removing undesirable trees and invasive shrubs in favor of the “crop trees” and desirable understory plants is necessary. Experienced foresters at BBJ Group will develop a management plan that represents the landowner’s goals and ecosystem needs.




Kate Hendrickson

Practice Lead

Kelli Hicks

Project Manager